Am 18.10.2017 um 15:18 schrieb Bernhard Kleine:
In Mozarts KV259 (Kyrie) in measure 14/5 there should be a slur(?) in
the choir alto to have the text properly distributed. In my B&H original
and in the International Stiftung Mozarteum Online Publications (2006)
there is none. How could one hide the "bogen". I googled for "lilypond
hide slur" but did not succeed.
Try \once \hide Slur ;-)
In 2.18 (I think) you had to use \override Slur.transparent = ##t
Or (rather):
\once \omit Slur
\once \override Slur.stencil = ##f
The latter completely removes the object from the typesetting while the
former only makes it invisible. As that still affects the collision
handling you'll probably want the \omit version.
(Two attempts to send the mail to the server did not succeed. Strange!)
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