Hi Ken,

> I have a choral piece where some of it is 4-part divisi SATB, and some of it 
> is unison (true unison, not octaves). I would love to notate this in LilyPond 
> with the two (women's & men's) staves combining visually into one staff - 
> when in the middle of a printed line, I'd like it to actually converge to the 
> single staff, something like this (which I just pasted together crudely in an 
> image editor):
> https://i.stack.imgur.com/FV0Q5.png
> Is that possible in LilyPond?

I am [slowly, but surely] putting together a whitepaper/framework which focuses 
on the numerous (!) ways this can be accomplished in Lilypond. They each have 
advantages and disadvantages, and each has its limitations and/or frustrations 
— unfortunately, there is (to my mind) no single "silver bullet" best practice.

Given my extremely busy commission workload, it's hard to estimate when I'll 
have the whitepaper/framework ready for public consumption, but I'll do my best 
to get it done ASAP. In the meantime, search for "divisi staves" and similar in 
the list archives, and you'll find a lot of threads which should point you in 
the right direction(s).


Kieren MacMillan, composer
‣ website: www.kierenmacmillan.info
‣ email: i...@kierenmacmillan.info

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