Ryan Michael <ryan.wiegh...@gmail.com> writes:

> %%%%%%%%%
> it properly scales when I override the spacing.
> When I have this context, however, it doesn't work:
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> \version "2.14.1"
> {
> \time 3/8
> cis16 r8. gis8
> \time 5/8 \tuplet 3/2{ c![ e,] r8}
> \tuplet 3/2{ c' ees, r8} r8
> \bar "||"
> \time 4/4
> \override Score.SpacingSpanner.spacing-increment = #40

That's using 2.18+ syntax in a 2.14 score.  You'd have to write

  \override Score SpacingSpanner.spacing-increment = #40

and if you revert this again, the whole property may break apart.

As you can witness by the replies so far, sticking with 2.14 means that
people will be simply unable to help you.  There is no good reason to
use 2.14 for writing new scores.  Even for old scores, upgrading to
newer versions will usually give you better output.

David Kastrup

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