Hi David,

 thanks, that did it! 

@Martin: I use arch linux and installed the development version of
lilypond (2.19.65) and its documentation.


Am Samstag, den 14. Oktober 2017 um 19:20:56 Uhr (-0500) schrieb David Wright:
> On Sat 14 Oct 2017 at 15:02:08 (+0200), Orm Finnendahl wrote:
> >  is there any information somewhere how to install lilypond's info
> > documentation into info/emacs on linux? On my machine the documents
> > are in /usr/share/info but the dir file in that directory is more or
> > less empty and I would like to populate it in the correct/recommended
> > way.
> # cd /usr/share/info
> # for j in foo.info bar.info etc.info ; do install-info "$j" dir ; done
> to install foo, bar, etc. Of course, you can just do the lot:
> # cd /usr/share/info
> # mv dir dir-backup
> # for j in * ; do install-info "$j" dir ; done
> which saves you missing any.
> If you install lilypond and its documentation under you own
> home directory, you can also keep it all separate with
> $ cd .../path-to/share/info
> $ for j in * ; do install-info "$j" dir ; done
> and use it with
> $ info -d .../path-to/share/info
> install-info makes a great deal of noise on my system,
> which I just ignored (Debian).
> Cheers,
> David.

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