On Sat, Oct 7, 2017 at 12:07 PM, David Nalesnik <david.nales...@gmail.com>

> On Wed, Oct 4, 2017 at 6:54 PM, Trevor Bača <trevorb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I’m interested in making the right endpoints of ottava brackets and trill
> > spanners coincide.
> >
> > QUESTION: in ottava-1.png (attached) I like where the trill spanner
> ends; is
> > there a way to tell the ottava bracket to end at the same point?
> No nice way.
> The problem you see is due to different spanner bounds for
> TrillSpanner and OttavaBracket.
> TrillSpanner extends to the NoteColumn of the following note,
> OttavaBracket only to the final note of the ottavation.
> You can see this by running the following (stem color shows the
> difference in endpoints):
> \version "2.19.65"
> \new Staff {
>   \override Staff.OttavaBracket.after-line-breaking =
>   #(lambda (grob)
>      (set! (ly:grob-property
>             (ly:grob-object (ly:spanner-bound grob RIGHT) 'stem)
>             'color)
>            green))
>   \ottava #1
>   \override TrillSpanner.after-line-breaking =
>   #(lambda (grob)
>      (set! (ly:grob-property
>             (ly:grob-object (ly:spanner-bound grob RIGHT) 'stem)
>             'color)
>            red))
>   c''4 \startTrillSpan
>   d''
>   e''
>   f''
>   \ottava #0
>   %\break
>   c'4 \stopTrillSpan
>   d'
>   e'
>   f'
> }
> A proper solution would lie in the OttavaBracket engraver. (And who
> knows what other changes you would need elsewhere to accommodate the
> new right-bound.)
> >
> > OttavaBracket seems not to implement the to-barline property (in the
> > spanner-interface):
> In my understanding, 'to-barline is used to stop a spanner before it
> would ordinarily stop, not lengthen it.  This could be implemented if
> the OttavaBracket 'columns array included the following, non-ottavated
> NoteColumn.
> > There’s also a (promising-sounding) connect-to-neighbor property in the
> > horizontal-bracket-interface. But I can’t figure out how to override
> > property, or whether OttavaBracket implements the property at all:
> This is not what you think. It's used to determine whether to draw an
> end-piece of a bracket (that is, with a terminal hatch mark) or an
> interior piece (just a line).  Perhaps the property should be more
> clearly named.
> Sorry I can't give you good news...

Hi David,

Believe it or not, this is actually extremely helpful: your explanation is
crystal clear; and knowing now that there's no (programmatic) way to
accomplish the alignment, I'm content to leave the output as-is.

(Sometimes I suppose what I'm after is knowing whether I'm missing
something available in the system or not.)

Thank you!


Trevor Bača
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