Hi Sister Judit,

> I would like to ask your help geting back the added line /or extra staff line 
> (I couldn't find the appropirate name for it either)

The name is "Ledger Lines"

> So under the common 5 lines in the staff - somehow we lost the automatic 
> cross line for c, or h,

I'm no expert w/r to gregorian in lilypond but my guess is that the culprit is 
the \melisma music function which in turn invokes the \neume music function 
which overrides the NoteHead.stencil.

I'd guess that you'd have to (re-)add a Ledger_line_engraver but I'm not 
knowledgeable enough to do so.

May be it is a bug in the modernGregorian style?!

Kind regards,
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