Hi Malte,

> Am 05.10.2017 um 20:54 schrieb Pierre-Luc Gauthier:
>> I peppered bars (e.g: \bar "") at most beam breaks in the cadenza

2017-10-06 2:39 GMT-04:00 Malte Meyn <lilyp...@maltemeyn.de>:
> Do you know
>         \set Score.barAlways = ##t
> and
>         \set Score.defaultBarType = ""
> ? These combined set an empty bar after each note.

No, I did not ! :-)

At first, just reading your reply, I thought it would(could) break
systems at *any* note but there seems to be another rule that prevents
breaking inside a beam.
Which is exactly what I wanted in the first place.

I tried the barAlways avenue and on a second thought, I like manually
adding few \bar "" for delimiting phrasing.
It lets LilyPond break where it can, and that's what I actually need
(rather than manual breaks).
Yes most of the \bar "" I added ended up at the end of a beam, but
sometime, I guess it's better to place them where it makes more
musical sense.

Thanks Malte for your reply, it helped me a lot.
Have a good day.
Pierre-Luc Gauthier

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