> Is it possible to force Lilypond into using strictly "relative"
>> accidentals?
>> What I mean by this: A raised 4th in d-major (g-sharp) gets a sharp sign.
>> A raised 4th in f-major (b-natural) gets a natural sign. I want this to get
>> a sharp sign as well; I even want "beses" to be printed with a single flat
>> sign in f major. (In my context, this is not as mad as it certainly seems
>> now.)
> From your name and mail adress I assume that you’re a german-speaking
> user, so maybe this thread from the archive of the german LilyPond forum
> helps:
> https://archiv.lilypondforum.de/index.php/topic,2119

Thanks much for the pointer! I think, though, that the question discussed
in that thread (in German language) concerned something else, which shows
that my description as 'relative' accidentals was ambiguous.

The thread in lilypondforum.de concerned the revoking of alterations: after
changing b to b-flat, the original poster wanted to restore the b-natural
not via a natural sign, but using a sharp sign. Since this applied to music
with a fairly limited set of "reasonable" pitch classes, this could be
accomplished with hard-coded rules about white keys with accidentals.

What I meant was something else (not 'relative' to music written before,
but 'relative' to the key signature): Natural signs can mean flattening or
sharping, depending on the key signature. I want to always use flat or
sharp signs to express this (and, in consequence, a natural sign in my case
should only restore the diatonic tone class to its default absolute pitch
class for the given key signature: in f major, a natural sign before a
b-flat should still mean b-flat).

What's still true in my case is that we only want to print an accidental in
case that also "classically" there would be one, so that an approach via
modifying the Accidental stencil might still work. On the other hand, I
suspect that the problems in your proposed solution regarding spacing
(coming from creating the accidental via a markup) might indicate that it's
not yet the "right way", because obviously there are complete routines for
printing perfect accidentals. We just want to influence the _choice_ of
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