P Scott Horne wrote:
In a song with a short polyphonic section at the end, I wrote something like

        << { f g } \\ { d e } >>  r4  << { a b } \\ { f g } >>

It worked as expected, giving a single rest appropriately centred on the
staff.  This approach seemed more sensible than defining separate Voice
contexts for just a few measures.

Unfortunately, the alignment of lyrics came out wrong; the lyrics for each
notehead were all pushed off somewhat to the right.  To solve that problem,
I gave up and created two voices, as follows, so that I could associate the
lyrics with a single voice:

          \context Staff = melody
              \time 4/4
              \clef treble

              \context Voice = melodysoprano { \voiceOne \melodysoprano }
              \context Voice = melodyalto { \voiceTwo \melodyalto }

An alternative would have been to do
\context Voice = melody {
<< \context Voice = melody {\voiceOne f g} \\ { \voiceTwo d e } >> \oneVoice r4 ...}


\context Voice = melody {
<< {\voiceOne f g} \new Voice {\voiceTwo d e } >> \oneVoice r4 ...}

or to exploit that the Voice contexts created by <<{...} \\ {...}>>
are called "1" and "2", respectively:

\context Voice = "1" {
<< {f g} \\ { d e } >> \oneVoice r4 ...}
\lyricsto "1" ...

However, in version 2.4, the intention is that you should be able to
use \partcombine to solve this problem, see the mailing list archives
of lilypond-user and/or lilypond-devel to find out what was recently
discussed on using \partcombine for choir music.


The voice "melodysoprano" includes the entire unison part at the beginning
and the upper part in the closing polyphonic section.  The voice
"melodyalto" starts with "s1*18" (skip ahead eighteen measures) and then
gives the notes for the lower part of the polyphony.

This, together with a single "\lyricsto" instruction for all five lines of
lyrics, corrects the spacing.  But the rests in the polyphonic section are
doubled (one atop the other), and those in the monophonic section are raised
to the top line of the staff.  Also, all the stems and slurs point up.

How can I indicate that parts of this staff are monophonic and should be set
as such?

Scott Horne

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