Am 11.09.2017 um 14:22 schrieb Samuel Cederlund:
Hello all,
I have a piece of code that causes lilypond to say Drawing systems...lilypond: 
../flower/include/drul-array.hh:35: T& Drul_array<T>::at(Direction) [with T = 
double]: Assertion `d == 1 || d == -1' failed.
the code is as follows:
   \tuplet 3/2 4 {
     <b b'>8 { \change Staff = "upper" } cess'''8[ b] ass e ess d
     { \change Staff = "lower" }
     cess b ass e ess }

in the left hand of of the piano staff. The right hand has the same notes but 
one octave higher. Appreciate any help,greetings

This looks like LilyPond isn’t able to decide whether a certain grob (for example, a beam or a slur) has to be placed up or down, but I cannot say more because I cannot reproduce this error.

Please give a complete, compilable, but small/minimal example of your code that contains a \version statement so we know which LilyPond version you are using. At least the definition of the staves "upper" and "lower" and a \language statement are missing to reproduce this error.

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