Ivan Kuznetsov <ivan.k.kuznet...@gmail.com> writes:

> Hello all:
> I don't understand why I am getting the error:
>  warning: unterminated crescendo
>  \new Voice {\voiceTwo r8 d8 bf8  r8   a8
>                                         \<  cs8 }
> as both the crescendo start and end points (\< and \f) are
> in \voiceTwo.

\voiceTwo is just the style of typesetting, not an actual voice
context.  When you say \new Voice, you _indeed_ get a new Voice.

In this case there was no actual need to switch back to a single Voice
as stuff like | and \time 3/4 will work fine inside of a Voice (and the
latter has effect for the entire Score unless you take special

Here is one possibility to hook into a preexisting voice (does not work
as soon as any musical time actually passed: in that case the respective
voices are retired and new ones created as necessary).

\version "2.19.65"
\include "english.ly"

\score {

   \new Staff = "guitar"
     \clef "treble_8"
\time 6/8

\voices 1,2 <<
{f'!4.    fs'4.        } \\
{r8 d8 bf8  r8   a8\<  cs8 }

\time 3/4

\voices 1,2 <<
{r4.   g'8 b4 } \\
{<e, gs>2.\f   }

  \layout {
    \context {
      proportionalNotationDuration = #(ly:make-moment 1/16)

However, in this case there is no other voice started earlier than the
split voices, so LilyPond will take Voice "1" as its default voice to
continue (and use for \oneVoice and similar).  To avoid that, putting
another \new Voice around the bulk of your music.  That will then be the
default voice outside of the << >> constructs.

David Kastrup
lilypond-user mailing list

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