Dear Experts, Still colouring/shape-ing
So we have 3 voices and we would like them in different colours. But when I change ONLY the third voice colour, it affects the second voice coloure as well. (Blue) Simmilarly I changed only the third voice's shape and the second turned to the same shape automatically. (first line) Why? shape = { \override = #'harmonic } EgyHárom = \relative c' { \egyoszlop \TimeSet \key es \major \shape b\breve \kicsinyK b4 b\breve \kicsinyV b4 \kicsinyK b \kicsinyV b b \kicsinyK b \kicsinyV b c\breve c4 \kicsinyK c \kicsinyV c g_( \kicsinyK g \kicsinyV g) g \cadenzaOff } \score { \new Staff \with { instrumentName = #"1 " } << \new Voice \voiceOne \EgyEgy \new Voice \voiceTwo \EgyKettő \new Voice \voiceThree \EgyHárom >> \layout { \context { \Voice \override Stem.length = #0 } indent = #30 line-width = #170 } % \header { % piece = "1. római zsoltártónus"} } 2017-06-18 19:47 GMT+02:00 Christopher R. Maden <>: > On 06/18/2017 12:26 PM, Gianmaria Lari wrote: > >> Is there any automatic way to color the notes of a simple piece in a >> specified tonality according to their harmonic function? >> >> For example: the tonic in red colour, the dominant in green colour etc. >> etc >> ? >> >> This is just a curiosity. I was thinking that this could be useful for >> didactical reason. >> > > Take a look at how shape note heads work. That should give you a clue... > > ~Chris > -- > Chris Maden, text nerd > <URL: > > Emperor Norton had the right idea. > > _______________________________________________ > lilypond-user mailing list > > >
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