Sometimes, I want to have some tweaks that apply to only a particular PDF, but some that apply to all. Is there some way to do that?

With the following example, I'd like the C to be red, the E to be blue, and the D and F to be green. However, the green tweak isn't applied. Is there some way to solve this?


\version "2.19.64"

\include "oll-core/package.ily"
\loadPackage edition-engraver
\consistToContexts #edition-engraver Staff

\addEdition tweaks
\editionMod tweaks 1 0/4 "A".Staff \override NoteHead.color = #red
\editionMod tweaks 1 0/4 "B".Staff \override NoteHead.color = #blue
\editionMod tweaks 2 0/4 Staff \override NoteHead.color = #green

  \new Staff \with \editionID "A" { c'1 d'1 }
  \new Staff \with \editionID "B" { e'1 f'1 }

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