Hi all,

On 2 September 2017 at 22:07, Paul <p...@paulwmorris.com> wrote:
> On 09/01/2017 05:26 PM, Flaming Hakama by Elaine wrote:
>>I wanted to see if anyone else (besides the author of that approach) has
>>been able to get this to work.

I just fixed some fundamental flaws in the installation process which
crept in when I accepted a pull request to switch it to use

>Hi, I got it to work, but I did it with an installation of LilyDev
>(GNU/Linux Debian) in a virtual machine.  (See the LilyPond contributor's

That sounds like a good idea.

Please also do ask for help by stating the exact problems you
encountered :-)  I've been distracted away from ly2video development
by other things lately, but I still try to help with reported
problems.  As mentioned above, I just fixed some critical breakage in
the installation process, so it'd be good to know if that helps.

>You could try that or use Knut's tool.  I'd probably use Knut's if
>I were starting today since it seems more recent / actively developed.

Knut's tool certainly looks worth investigating, and it's certainly
possible his approach is better than the one in ly2video in some
respects.  However please don't write off ly2video just because I
haven't done much with it recently (except for today).  It has some
nice features, like multiple scrolling modes, and the ability to
synchronise the video perfectly with live performances with variable
tempi.  In the long term it'd be great if the LilyPond community
converged on a single best-of-breed solution.

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