
I guess I want all three!
I'd like to be able to suppress redundant time and key signatures as well.


> On Sep 3, 2017, at 10:20 AM, Kieren MacMillan <kieren_macmil...@sympatico.ca> 
> wrote:
> Hi Werner,
>> This is a completely different issue.  You want exactly the opposite,
>> namely to control whether time signatures are displayed at the
>> beginning of a line (or whereever) inspite of not having an explicit
>> \time command.
> Actually, I want both.  ;)
> 1. I'd like to be able to call \time or \key (e.g., using the 
> edition-engraver), and have it appear even if it's redundant.
> 2. I'd like to have a setting/engraver which automatically adds the current 
> time (or key?) signature at the beginning of a system.
>>> It would be wonderful if there were a switch I could use that could
>>> make this possible as a tweak (or whatever).
>> I suggest to file a feature request :-)
> An excellent suggestion!
> Thanks,
> Kieren.

Kieren MacMillan, composer
‣ website: www.kierenmacmillan.info
‣ email: i...@kierenmacmillan.info

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