* Christian Ebert on Sun, Dec 05, 2004:
> Thanks to Matthias' fink patches and a few tweaks (creating
> symlinks inimf -> mf, inimpost -> mpost and dumping an additional
> mf-nowin format 'mf-nowin mf-nowin - mf.ini') I was able to build
> lilypond-2.5.0 successfully. But lilypond chokes on building
> either the docs or one of the examples and complains that it
> can't find "tex156.enc".

Made a symlink texmf-local/dvips/base/tex256.enc and lilypond
works now ... sort of because lilypond-book produces bad dvi
files even though I dumped a simplified format for latex because
\embeddedps wasn't recognized.

                               --->> <http://www.blacktrash.org/>

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