> Nice work, but your pdf includes many different subsets of the lilypond fonts 
> and is several MB to big because of this.
> Use the --bigpdfs option of lilypond  in step 3. The resulting pdfs are 
> _much_ bigger because all glyphs from the fonts are included.
>  …

Wow, thanks, I hadn’t thought of that at all! There’s always something more to 
learn! :)

> A lot of pages contain a lot of white space. It would be possible to include 
> every staff as a paragraph instead of including the whole pdfs ….

Yeah, but that is intentional. I didn’t want tunes split over page breaks 
(except the tunes that are too long to fit in one page). Actually that was the 
main reason for not using lilypond-book: I wanted more fine-grained control 
over vertical spacing, and I found that much easier to achieve when lilypond 
takes care of the whole typesetting process.


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