Bernhard Kleine <> writes: > The fugue from Bach's Magnificat starts with Basso, the Tenor, Alto, > Sopran II and I. How can I get rid of lines where only rests are given. > I would also be interested how one could find this information.
"Notation Reference"/"Musical notation"/"Staff notation"/"Modifying single staves"/"Hiding staves" <> Hiding staves ............. Staff lines can be hidden by removing the ‘Staff_symbol_engraver’ from the ‘Staff’ context. As an alternative, ‘\stopStaff’ may be used. \new Staff \with { \remove "Staff_symbol_engraver" } \relative { a''8 f e16 d c b a2 }
Empty staves can be hidden (for a so-called ‘Frenched Score’) by applying the ‘\RemoveEmptyStaves’ command on a context, which can be done globally (in a ‘\layout’ block) as well as for specific staves only (in a ‘\with’ block). This command removes all empty staves in a score except for those in the first system. If you want those in the first system to be hidden also, use ‘\RemoveAllEmptyStaves’. Supported contexts are ‘Staff’, ‘RhythmicStaff’ and ‘VaticanaStaff’. Note: A staff is considered empty when it contains only multi-measure rests, rests, skips, spacer rests, or a combination of these elements. \layout { \context { \Staff \RemoveEmptyStaves } } \relative << \new Staff { e'4 f g a \break b1 \break a4 b c2 } \new Staff { c,4 d e f \break R1 \break f4 g c,2 } >>
‘\RemoveAllEmptyStaves’ can also be used to create ossia sections for a staff. For details, see *note Ossia staves::. Predefined commands ................... ‘\RemoveEmptyStaves’, ‘\RemoveAllEmptyStaves’. -- David Kastrup
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