On 31.08.2017 14:40, Bernhard Kleine wrote:
At the end of the Kyrie from Palestrina's Missa Brevis there is a note
three measure long. Is there any way to do that simply?

Yes, there is. However, that is actually a \maxima (with a duration of 8*1) and the Möseler edition you’re copying from probably halved the note values (which I consider a bad idea, because it doesn’t make a real difference for legibility and it obscures historical relations). See <http://imslp.org/wiki/Missa_Brevis_(Palestrina,_Giovanni_Pierluigi_da)#Scores> for a scientific edition [1] and a new typeset by myself. I’m sorry if you had much work copying it yourself if an .ly source was already available… I always use Completion_heads_engraver and code the original note values, instead of hard-coding any ties, in mensural music.

Best, Simon

[1] On the use of barlines and dividing cross-bar notes with ties: This is an authentic practice of Palestrina’s time, only this is very little known since scores at the time were almost exclusively drawn on slates (Schiefertafeln) and erased after copying out parts. The fallacy of not using bar lines in scores („Partitur“ literally means that it is divided with bar lines), often found in mid-20th century editions of mensural music, is no longer pursued in modern scientific editions.

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