
I see that work has already been done for Jianpu, much more than I’m able to do.

Thanks Ming for letting me know!


> Le 25 août 2017 à 04:30, David Zhang <david...@qq.com> a écrit :
> Hi MING !
> I can't do the merge right now for I have to look deep into the code. But 
> anyone who do is welcome to make a pull request.
> Also, for any feature wanted, please fire an issue.
> David Zhang
>> 在 2017年8月25日,上午2:26,MING TSANG <tsan...@rogers.com 
>> <mailto:tsan...@rogers.com>> 写道:
>> Thank you David Zhang for setting this github. Now the lilipond-jianpu 
>> development can proceed after two years wait.
>> Can you  merge your jianpu6.y code with jianpu10a.ly <http://jianpu10a.ly/>? 
>> Thank you.
>> Ming
>> From: David Zhang <david...@qq.com <mailto:david...@qq.com>>
>> To: MING TSANG <tsan...@rogers.com <mailto:tsan...@rogers.com>>; Paul Morris 
>> <p...@paulwmorris.com <mailto:p...@paulwmorris.com>>; Werner LEMBERG 
>> <w...@gnu.org <mailto:w...@gnu.org>>; Carl Sorensen <c_soren...@byu.edu 
>> <mailto:c_soren...@byu.edu>>; David Nalesnik <david.nales...@gmail.com 
>> <mailto:david.nales...@gmail.com>>; Lilypond-usermailinglist 
>> <lilypond-user@gnu.org <mailto:lilypond-user@gnu.org>> 
>> Sent: Thursday, August 24, 2017 1:02 AM
>> Subject: Re: Jianpu Notation
>> Hi all!
>> I have created a github resp. and uploaded our previous code to 
>> https://github.com/nybbs2003/lilypond-Jianpu 
>> <https://github.com/nybbs2003/lilypond-Jianpu> . And we can resume the 
>> development and make further discussion on github.
>> David Zhang
>>> 在 2017年8月24日,上午11:18,MING TSANG <tsan...@rogers.com 
>>> <mailto:tsan...@rogers.com>> 写道:
>>> From:       Paul Morris
>>> Subject:    Re: Jianpu Notation
>>> Date:       Thu, 30 Apr 2015 11:36:28 -0400
>>> There has no activities since April 30/2015 - two year past.
>>> I hope Paul Morris and David Zhang can re-start the development of Jianpu.
>>> Thank you.
>>> Ming.
>>> > On Apr 30, 2015, at 9:10 AM, MING TSANG <address@hidden> wrote:
>>> > 
>>> > David & Paul: 
>>> > I created jianpu-test_1.ly for testing jianpu9.ly <http://jianpu9.ly/>
>>> > The result is self explaining.   
>>> Thanks Ming, this is helpful.
>>> > There is a difference in coding c''8 8 vs c''8 c’'
>>> Ah, it seems that in c’’8 8 the 8 does not have a pitch property when it is 
>>> received by the jianpuMusic function:
>>> \displayMusic shows that c’’8 becomes:
>>> (make-music
>>> 'NoteEvent
>>> 'duration
>>> (ly:make-duration 3)
>>> 'pitch
>>> (ly:make-pitch 1 0))
>>> …and then 8 becomes
>>> (make-music
>>> 'NoteEvent
>>> 'duration
>>> (ly:make-duration 3))
>>> with no pitch property.  So I’ll need to handle these pitch-less note 
>>> events. 
>>> > Lyric treat -  0  as notes
>>> Yes, this I knew about, but I don’t know what the solution might be.  The - 
>>> and 
>>> 0 are notes with modified stencils, which gives us good spacing and lets 0s 
>>> have beams.  But that breaks how the lyrics align with the notes, and I 
>>> can’t 
>>> think of an automatic way to adjust the lyric durations so that, for 
>>> example, a 
>>> syllable that originally aligned with a whole note now aligns with four 
>>> quarter 
>>> notes.  
>>> So currently you have to do this by hand by adjusting the durations of 
>>> lyrics 
>>> or adding skips, etc.  You could use tags, skips, and removeWithTag to have 
>>> one 
>>> set of lyrics that works with either standard notation or jianpu.
>>> -Paul
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