thank you again everybody for the fantastic tool! I enjoy it more and more, 
most things become easier every day, except for those few that become harder ) 
Hope asking questions once in a while is all right.
...I've found a lot about vertical spacing between staves / systems... but 
seems there is no clear way (to me at least) on how to increase vertical 
distance between lines / notes in a staff/chord, so some of my writing looks 
pretty hard to read (see the example, Ver. 1). 
See how the tie on aes in the Ver. 1 is almost invisible. (_
I tried using voicing (Ver. 2 & 3). In Ver. 2 it gets worse:  there is visually 
an error –– the quarter notes <aes f>4 look like 8ths (__ 
And with "\StemUp/down" it gets really messy to write.
Can this be improved visually?  I think making the staff a bit taller could 
just do the trick.... 

Thank you in advance!

/* ~~ Autumn in New York, ~~ ~~ Christmas in LA, ~~ ~~ April in Paris, ~~ ~~ a 
Juli v Tule. ~~ */

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