Hi Abraham,

> Is there something in another staff that is causing the offset?


> Does this happen when you use Emmentaler for the music font?

Yes. (Aside: Switching back to it to test that reminded me how much I love 

> I looked at the internals section and there is the 'extra-spacing-width 
> property that is set to '(-0.2 . 0) by default. Not sure if setting that to 
> '(0 . 0) would change it, but maybe. Not sure when it changed, exactly, but 
> some time between when the 'parent-alignment-... properties were added and 
> now.


    \override AccidentalPlacement.right-padding = #0
    \override Accidental.extra-spacing-width = #'(0.3 . 0)
    \override Accidental.extra-offset = #'(-0.05 . 0)

to my score seems to bring it closer to what I would expect to be "default 
spacing". I'm uncomfortable that I don't know what the real root problem is… 
but at least I can get on with engraving!


Kieren MacMillan, composer
‣ website: www.kierenmacmillan.info
‣ email: i...@kierenmacmillan.info

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