Hi Reilly,

please keep the list cc-ed until conservation turns real private

2017-07-30 19:35 GMT+02:00 Reilly Farrell <reillycfarr...@gmail.com>:
> Based on this feedback, I've been trying out the \paper block method listed
> in the first link, which seems closest to what I would need.  I've been
> having trouble getting this block to have an impact on the score, however.
> Here's a sample of how I've been trying to use the \paper block solution:
> \paper {
>   system-system-spacing.basic-distance = #3
>   score-system-spacing =
>     #'((basic-distance . 12)
>        (minimum-distance . 6)
>        (padding . 1)
>        (stretchability . 12))
> }
> \relative {
> c'4 c'4 c4 c4 |
> \break
> e4 e4 e4 e4 |
> \break
> g4 g4 g4 g4 |
> }
> Is there a step I've missed in the process of integrating \paper?
> Thank you for your support,
> Reilly

The spacing machine _is_ complicated, no doubt. It can do a lot of
stuff, though!

First you need to make clear to yourself what kind of music you have
and what _exactly_ you want to do.

In the case of your example you have a score with a single Staff.

You may want to distribute it's systems over the whole page. That would lead to
\paper {
  ragged-last-bottom = ##f

Or simply insert a little more space between them. That would lead to, p.e.
\paper {
  system-system-spacing.basic-distance = #30
I usually insert a high value first to see, whether it has an effect
at all and to be sure that I've chosen the correct variable!!

You may want more space before score starts. That would lead to, p.e.
\paper {
  system-system-spacing.basic-distance = #30
  top-system-spacing.padding = 10

Though, if a markup is between top and score this variable doesn't
apply anymore (\header will cause a markup!). You'd need to set
spacing for top-markup and probably markup-system. That would lead to,
\paper {
  system-system-spacing.basic-distance = #30
  top-system-spacing.padding = 10
  top-markup-spacing.padding = 10
  markup-system-spacing.basic-distance = 10
\header { title = "TITLE" }
I'd let the now not more applying variables in \paper, because
subsequent pages may need them (probably no header anymore or the

Several more possibilities ...

Note the difference in syntax:
  system-system-spacing.basic-distance = #30
  as opposed to:
  system-system-spacing =
    #'((basic-distance . 30)
       (minimum-distance . 6)
       (padding . 1)
       (stretchability . 12))

Every of the spacing-variables has four possible entries:
basic-distance, minimum-distance, padding, stretchability.
The first syntax updates one single entry (basic-distance) with a value (30)
The latter (re-)defines the whole list.
Also see, http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.19/Documentation/notation/modifying-alists

The four possible entries (basic-distance, minimum-distance, padding,
stretchability) have different meaning. See:

If you want to space the simultaneous happening contexts of a system, like
  \new ChordNames ...
  \new StaffGroup
      \new Staff ...
      \new Staff ...
  \new Lyrics ...

the paper-variables don't apply, rather study


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