Hi Karlin,

thank you for this work.

I think I have to install LilyPond on a Windows machine to do some more 
detailed tests that I can't direct over email.

I'm pretty sure you didn't do anything wrong, so there must be some Windows 
issue in the code of oll-core.


Am 16. Juli 2017 02:20:01 MESZ schrieb Karlin High <gne...@hotmail.com>:
>On 7/15/2017 5:58 PM, Urs Liska wrote:
>> Now this is helpful and points me to the correct issue - which is
>> an issue with oll-core. Actually this had been discussed arleady a
>> months ago, but I don't recall if we came to a conclusion then.
>> As it stands oll-core does not work properly when the main LilyPond
>> is specified as a relative path from the same directory. At some
>> oll-core splits the path to the input file into its segments and for
>> some reason accesses the second-to-last element of this path (= the
>> directory in which the compiled .ly file resides). However, if you do
>> "lilypond olltest.ly" this path only has*one*  element: the filename
>> I would consider this a bug in oll-core, but as a workaround you
>> always invoke the .ly files with their absolute path or with a
>> path that contains at least one directory.
>> Best
>> Urs
>Unfortunately, entering full absolute files paths still gives errors 
>here. Two more log files attached, one with absolute path to LY file, 
>and another with full path to lilypond.exe as well.
>Karlin High
>Missouri, USA
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