David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org> writes:

> Menu Jacques <imj-...@bluewin.ch> writes:
>> Hello folks,
>> I’m trying to obtain a second score identical to the first one in the
>> example below, without using \lyricsto and with syllables having their
>> duration attached to them, but no way.
>> How can that be done?
> _ is a syllable of its own,
> lyricsWithDurations = \lyricmode {
>   "do"1 __ _2 _ |
>   "fa"1
> }

Well, actually the point of explicit durations is _not_ to have to track
every melisma, so you'd likely enter this rather as

melody = \relative {
  c'1 d2 e2 |

lyricsWithoutDurations = \lyricmode {
  "do" __ _ _ |

lyricsWithDurations = \lyricmode {
  "do"1*2 __ |

  \new Staff <<
    \context Voice = "melody" <<

    \new Lyrics \lyricsto "melody" {

  \new Staff <<
    \context Voice = "melody" <<

    \new Lyrics \with { associatedVoice = "melody" } {
(1*2 as a template is a bit more flexible than \breve which would
achieve the same job in this case but would not extend to stuff like
1*5/2 easily).

David Kastrup
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