
Putting together an exercise book using XeLaTeX and the lilypond environment. 
Everything works relatively well until I try to use an include file with 
variable definitions.


                % !TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode
                % !TEX TS-program = LilyPond-Book
                % !LILYPOND tex = xelatex

%             \newcommand{\Ggrace}{\grace { g''32 }}
                  \include "lilypond-variables.ly"
                  \time 2/4
                  \grace { g''32 } g'4  \Ggrace a'4  \Ggrace b'4  \Ggrace c''4
                  \Ggrace d''4 \Ggrace e''4 \Ggrace f''4         g''4
                          a''2         g''4         f''4 \Ggrace e''4
                  \Ggrace d''4 \Ggrace c''4 \Ggrace b'4  \Ggrace a'4
                  \Ggrace g'4
                  \bar "||"


                Ggrace = {  \grace { g''32 }  }

The in-line g grace note is typeset just fine. The variable references, 
however, either choke, or (if I trash files after choking) are not expanded 
upon typesetting.

(I had originally tried to do this with a *tex include file with \newcommands, 
but that did not work either.)

The code below works fine in Frescobaldi:

\include "lilypond-variables.ly"
                 \time 2/4
                  \grace { g''32 } g'4  \Ggrace a'4  \Ggrace b'4  \Ggrace c''4
                  \Ggrace d''4 \Ggrace e''4 \Ggrace f''4         g''4
                          a''2         g''4         f''4 \Ggrace e''4
                  \Ggrace d''4 \Ggrace c''4 \Ggrace b'4  \Ggrace a'4
                  \Ggrace g'4
                  \bar "||"

So I’m assuming there’s a trick to the placement/invocation of the include file 
which I’m not privy to…? Using macOS Sierra 10.12.5 (16F73) and TL 2016; 
LilyPond-Book engine 2.0.4 (2014/03/23).

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