Forgive me for not modifying the Subject: line earlier, but of the three other replies, one illustrates my middle paragraph (thanks for saving me the effort), one looks for a problem that's not there and one suggests recomposing the music.
(I took the liberty of removing the motes from my previous posting!) Date: Sun, 28 May 2017 13:32:51 -0500 From: David Wright <> Subject: Re: Problem with repeat X-Original-To: Sender: lilypond-user <> Reply-To: On Sun 28 May 2017 at 19:42:26 (+0200), Bernhard Kleine wrote: > The attached excerpt has an errorneous repeat sign at measure five since > the text starts there. However the repeat sign before measure three is > also valid for the text which, however, starts as the vocal part in > measure 5. > > How to solve this? Is there a snippet which shows a solution? Do you intend ever unfolding these repeats? Particularly, do you want to do so in a manner that involves unfolding the lyrics? If not, then just remove the repeat structures from the lyrics and set them as normal. Fortunately, you don't have to worry about edge effects like ties and hyphens crossing the repeat measures. If you want to be able to unfold the notes and lyrics, then you have to use the tedious method of entering lyrics with their individual durations: Sing8 Ju -- bi -- la4 -- te and so on. Then specify the score with: \new Voice = vsoprano { \soprano } \new Lyrics \lyricmode { \set associatedVoice = vsoprano \sopranotext } That way, it will Just Workâ˘. Cheers, David. _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list