On Saturday 27 November 2004 21.36, Aaron Dalton wrote:
> Paul Scott wrote:
> > You left out { " " } (a space).  Try:
> >> upper = \notes \relative f'' {
> >>     \tempo 4 = 144 f1^\markup { " " }
> >> }
> >
> > I only tested this on 2.4.2 (without the \notes).
> This is what I now have in my score.  It is still not displaying =/  I
> am running version 2.2.5 on my Cygwin box, and 2.2.2 on my BSD box.
> upper = \notes \relative f'' {
>  \tempo 4 = 132 f4^\markup { " " } c a g8 bes | a4 g8 bes a f c' bes |
> a4. c8 f4 e8 d | c a bes g a c bes d\break |
> }

I verified that your example works fine with all versions >=2.2.6 but not with 
2.2.5. I would really recommend you to upgrade to a later lilypond version.


P.s. if you send complete examples that can be compiled, i.e. like:

upper = \notes \relative f'' {
        \tempo 4 = 132 f4^\markup { " " } c a g8 bes | a4 g8 bes a f c' bes |
a4. c8 f4 e8 d | c a bes g a c bes d\break |
\score {\new Staff \upper }

then it is a lot easier to try to reproduce your problem.

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