2017-05-25 0:17 GMT+02:00 Charles Winston <chazwi...@gmail.com>:

> I would love to hear any ideas from the user community about this. And beyond 
> the specific issues I’m talking about here, what aspects of LilyPond’s 
> support for chords do you believe should be improved or changed?

I think the greatest problem is the current difficulty to change the
chord-name-printing slightly (in details) or general.

Once I tried to get Brandt-Roemer namings. The criteria which pitches
are regarded to set extensions, etc are different enough from Ignatzek
that it would have resulted in a complete rewrite of the
chord-naming-procedure. Nothing what we could expect from an average
But even for slight changes one would need to rewrite the procedure in
many cases. Ofcourse with a lot of copy'n paste but it is always
pretty tedious.

Would be great to offer the user an easy way to do so.
Though, as I mentioned above Brandt-Roemer have a different opinion,
what is an extension, etc compared to Ignatzek.
So it might be very tricky to get the "internal chord representation"
correct, (If I understood it correctly, at all ...)
to offer the posibility for the user to switch between different
chord-layouts as he may like.


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