On 5/24/17 7:49 AM, "David Nalesnik" <david.nales...@gmail.com> wrote:

>On Tue, May 23, 2017 at 2:51 PM, Kieren MacMillan
><kieren_macmil...@sympatico.ca> wrote:
>> Hi David,
>>> I would say so.  However, the situation is more complicated:
>> #ugh #IsntItAlways
>>> [Simon:] maybe a context property to turn off alignment of dotted
>>>rests would be useful?
>> That sounds like it might work!
> I agree with the idea of a context property, but it would switch
>between the current default (alignment by Staff always) and a new
>default which respects Gould's recommendations, which apply to more
>than rests.  An alignment by voice would also be used if the dotted
>quarter rest in Kieren's image were replaced by a dotted note or
>notes.  Additionally, by Gould's recommendation, the dots should align
>in cases where the voices have single notes (as in my counterexample

This would not be a simple change.  The engraver creates a dot column; the
dot column has only a y location for each dot.  The x location is handled
by the collision resolution system.

Furthermore, the current approach (put the engraver in either the Voice or
Staff context) can't be switched at a given moment in time, IIUC.

Perhaps we move the dot column engraver to the Voice context, and then
have a Staff context property something like AlignAllDotColumns.  I don't
know such a property would be implemented, but it seems to have the
appropriate flexibility to allow us to set the behavior at any time.



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