I have found using the following works pretty well:

\repeat unfold 61 { " " } % or some number other than 61,
                                    % depending on how much music is to be

On Sat, May 20, 2017 at 8:33 PM, David Wright <lily...@lionunicorn.co.uk>

> On Sat 20 May 2017 at 20:27:06 (+0300), Emrecan Büyüktermiyeci wrote:
> > You can use repeat unfold command for 61 blanked charackters.
> >
> > tcd=\lyricmode{
> >     \repeat unfold 61 { _ }
> >     do -- _ na no -- bis pa -- _ _ _ cem,
> I would add one proviso to that construction, both the caveat
> and the provision.  It will prevent failure where the words in
> common don't occur at the beginning of the text (eg the refrain
> for different verses). Because I use it a lot, I give it a very
> short name, \n. So an example might look like:
>  \addlyrics { These are the first __ _ set of nonce words for this work. }
>  \addlyrics { \repeat unfold 3 _ se -- cond \n \repeat unfold 6 _ }
>  \addlyrics { \repeat unfold 3 _ third __ _ \n \repeat unfold 6 _ }
> The \n prevents all those _ syllables from making a very long
> melisma, complete with extender in the third verse. Here's its
> definition, and a few related extras.
>  nbsp = \markup   % risky as invisible
>  %%nbsp = \markup \char ##x00A0 % safer alternative
>  n = \lyricmode { \nbsp } % stops a melisma being formed; only one needed
>  blank = \lyricmode { " " } % prevents using vertical space, but _ will do
>  nowt = \lyricmode { "" } % ditto, but can write a warning message
>  blob = \lyricmode { ▬ } % for irregular hymns
>  invisibledot = \lyricmode { \once \override LyricText.font-size = #-19
> "." } % take up room
> Cheers,
> David.
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