Hi Michiel,

Generalising your code so you don't need to create a function with hard
coded offsets for every dynamic used and every instance leads to:

== snip

parenOffsetDyn =
#(define-event-function (dyn x-off y-off) (ly:event? number? number?)
    #{ \markup \concat {
      \normal-text \italic \fontsize #2 (
      \pad-x #0.2 \translate #(cons x-off y-off) #(ly:music-property dyn
      \normal-text \italic \fontsize #2 )

== snip

Example usage:

c\parenOffsetDyn\p 0.2 -0.2

You could play around with this concept. Obviously the offsets will need to
be small or else it starts to look poor.

With recent lilypond versions you no longer need to use the parser and
location arguments.

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