Hi guys,

 I am engraving a chorale prelude by Georg Friedrich Kauffmann. There is a
bar where I want the alto voice to cross over to the left hand staff, see
the example below. But then the b in the alto voice clashed with both d's
in tenor- and bass voice. I'd like to move the b in the alto a little to
the left, or both d's in the tenor and bass a little to the right. I have
tried NoteColumn.force-shift, NoteColumn.X-offset and
NoteHead.extra-spacing-width in various combinations on the clashing notes,
but nothing gives the desired effect. I can put voiceThree before d in the
tenor voice and it moves out of the way nicely. But the d in the bass voice
stays where it is and that's not the effect that I want.
Is there a way in Lilypond to nudge a note (either the b in the alto voice,
or both d's in tenor and bass) a little to the left or to the right?

\version "2.18.2"

global = {
  \key g \major \time 4/4

soprano = \relative c' {
  fis2 g |

alto = \relative c' {
  c4~ \once \override Beam.positions = #'(-4.5 . -5) c8 \change
Staff="left"  \voiceOne  b16 a
  b8 g a b

tenor = \relative c'  {
  a4. d,8 \voiceThree d2

bass = \relative c   {
  \global \clef bass
  a8 d d d g,2

  \score {
      \new PianoStaff
        \new Staff = "right"
            \soprano \\ \alto
        \new Staff = "left"
            \tenor \\  \bass

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