


\version "2.19.55"

\require "lilyjazz"

\layout {
  \context {
    \Score \jazzOn

chordNames = \chordmode {   e1:maj7 ees:maj7 }
melody = \relative c'              {  e1          ees }

\score  {
    \new ChordNames     { \chordNames  }
    \new Staff {  \melody }
    \new TabStaff {\melody}


I get a message telling that \require is refused:

Starting lilypond 2.19.55 [Untitled (2)]...
 <applewebdata://D328336D-E472-45FC-A606-698DC2106A22/0>: error: unknown 
escaped string: `\require'

\require "lilyjazz"
 <applewebdata://D328336D-E472-45FC-A606-698DC2106A22/1>: error: syntax error, 
unexpected STRING, expecting '.' or '=' or ','
\require "lilyjazz
 <applewebdata://D328336D-E472-45FC-A606-698DC2106A22/2>: error: unknown 
escaped string: `\jazzOn'
 <applewebdata://D328336D-E472-45FC-A606-698DC2106A22/3>: error: syntax error, 
unexpected '}', expecting '='
 <applewebdata://D328336D-E472-45FC-A606-698DC2106A22/4>: error: wrong type for 
argument 2. Expecting music, found "c"
melody = \relative
c' { e1 ees }
 <applewebdata://D328336D-E472-45FC-A606-698DC2106A22/5>: error: syntax error, 
unexpected '''
melody = \relative c
' { e1 ees }
 <applewebdata://D328336D-E472-45FC-A606-698DC2106A22/6>: error: unrecognized 
string, not in text script or \lyricmode
melody = \relative c' {
e1 ees }
 <applewebdata://D328336D-E472-45FC-A606-698DC2106A22/7>: error: unrecognized 
string, not in text script or \lyricmode
melody = \relative c' { e1
ees }
 <applewebdata://D328336D-E472-45FC-A606-698DC2106A22/8>: error: Unfinished 
main input
Interpreting music...
Preprocessing graphical objects...
Interpreting music...
Preprocessing graphical objects...
Finding the ideal number of pages...
Fitting music on 1 page...
Drawing systems...
Layout output to 
Converting to `document.pdf'...
Deleting `/var/folders/jc/xrpy67_x6_vcjfzpzds_9_6m0000gn/T//lilypond-MKFHkK'...
fatal error: failed files: 
Exited with return code 1.


> Le 3 mai 2017 à 10:56, Pierre H <ala...@hotmail.fr> a écrit :
> Hello Rob,
> I had the same problem.
> I solved it by replacing the font name "LilyJAZZText" in (the bottom of the)
> file "jazzchord.ly" (or "jazzchord.ily") with the following:
> "lilyjazz-chord".
> Now, it works fine.
> Regards,
> Pierre
> --
> View this message in context: 
> http://lilypond.1069038.n5.nabble.com/lilyjazz-tp200044p202866.html
> Sent from the User mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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