
Thank you for your detailed explanation. Your patient effort is appreciated.
As I understand now, some of the header fields are controlled by the \book and 
some by the \score.
Your colored version is very illustrative, yet note that the "opus" is under 
the first piece (subtitle) and not under the composer where I want it to be.
That is where I have always seen it in my limited experience.
                                    Woodland Sketches
        E. MacDowell
                       Op. 51

                                            To a Wild Rose

                                          Will o' the Wisp
Is this possible with Lilypond?


-----Original Message-----
From: Thomas Morley [] 
Sent: Sunday, April 30, 2017 10:55 AM
To: Mark Stephen Mrotek <>
Cc: lilypond-user <>
Subject: Re: opus conflict

2017-04-30 19:19 GMT+02:00 Mark Stephen Mrotek <>:
> Thomas,
> Attached is the pdf generated by my code.
> Thank you again.
> Mark

Your first \header is inside the book as well as the \paper (where you set 
print-all-headers = ##t).
This \header contains settings which are read and printed by the bookTitleMark 
mixed with the 'opus', which is read and printed by the scoreTitleMarkup.
Because you've set print-all-headers = ##t all of the book-header-settings are 
printed within every scoreTitleMarkup. (Thus the need to clear unwanted fileds 
in the score-header.) But opus is never printed by the bookTitleMarkup but the 
scoreTitleMarkup and you clear every instance of opus in every score-header.

As a result 'opus' is never printed.
I think, if you carefully read the doc, you'll see it's a consequence of whats 
said there.

So you have two possibilities

(1) go for custom book/scoreTitleMarkup as already demonstrated

(2) don't clear opus for the first score

To make book/scoreTitleMarkup more clear, I colored them in an additional 
\paper (delete it)

\version "2.18.2"

\paper {
  bookTitleMarkup = \markup \with-color #red \bookTitleMarkup
  scoreTitleMarkup = \markup \with-color #green \scoreTitleMarkup }

\book {
  \paper {
    print-all-headers = ##t
  \header {
    title = "Woodland Sketches"
    composer = "E. MacDowell"
    opus = "Op. 51"
    tagline = ##f
  \score {
    \new PianoStaff <<
      \new Staff { s1 }
      \new Staff { \clef "bass" s1 }
    \header {
    title = ##f
    composer = ##f
    %opus = ##f
    subtitle = "To a Wild Rose"
  \score {
    \new PianoStaff <<
      \new Staff { s1 }
      \new Staff { \clef "bass" s1 }
    \header {
    title = ##f
    composer = ##f
    opus = ##f
    subtitle = "Wil o' the Wisp"


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