Bernhard Kleine wrote:

With respect to the other contributions, I have Frescobaldi/Lilypond on
win 7. I have seen that VLC mediaplayer has to be supplied with
softfonts e.g. fluid-softfonts. The installation proposal, however, does
not state how to supply this softfonts to the actual VLC. I have still
efforts before me to get MIDI output on my machine.

VLC 32bit 2.0.8 is the last windows version to have
    - preferences>input>audiocodecs>fluidsynth

I have win7 64bit and installed the 64bit VLC for normal use.

Occasionally I produce singalong mp3 files from LilyPond midi.
I do this via the 32bit VLC which is installed 'in parallel'.
Maybe a bit dodgy - and so not for regular use?


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