Hendrik Fuß <hend...@kontrafuss.de> writes:

> There are paper variables to achieve ragged-right and ragged-last layout.
> Is there a way to achieve center-aligned music in a score? Similar to
> ragged-left, but equally distribute the space between left and right
> borders (aka ragged-both).
> I know it's an unusual request, but I feel it makes sense to my application.

It fails to use the standard line-spacing algorithm but you can try

#(define-markup-command (centered-in-line layout props mup) (markup?)
  #:properties ((line-width))
  (interpret-markup layout props
     #{ \markup \translate #`(,(/ line-width 2) . 0) \center-align #mup #}))

\score-lines { { #@(map (lambda x
		 #{ c'2-"Oh" g'-#(format "A~v{a~}h" (random 20) '(1)) #})
		 (iota 300)) }
               \layout { ragged-right = ##t } }
Frankly, the output is awful.

David Kastrup
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