2017-04-24 23:02 GMT+02:00 Peter Crighton <petecrigh...@gmail.com>:
> Hello all,
> when removing both the Clef and BarNumber engraver, an occasional
> RehearsalMark at the beginning of a line affects the horizontal position of
> the following note. How can I prevent this, so the first note of every line
> is in the same horizontal position? See example below.
> This is not unique to RehearsalMarks. For instance, if you did not remove
> the BarNumber engraver, every line would have that space at the beginning.
> \version "2.19.59"
> \relative c' {
>   R1 \break
>   \mark \default
>   \repeat unfold 2 {
>     \repeat unfold 2 {
>       c4 c c c
>     } \break
>   }
>   \mark \default
>   \repeat unfold 2 {
>     \repeat unfold 3 {
>       c4 c c c
>     } \break
>   }
> }
> \layout {
>   \context {
>     \Staff
>     \remove "Clef_engraver"
>   }
>   \context {
>     \Score
>     \remove "Bar_number_engraver"
>   }
> }
> Thanks,
> Peter

Not sure why this happens, as a workaround you could do:

\layout {
  \context {
    %\remove "Clef_engraver"
    \override Clef.stencil = #point-stencil
    \override Clef.space-alist.first-note = #'(fixed-space . 0) %% adjust!

  \context {
    %\remove "Bar_number_engraver"
    \override BarNumber.stencil = #point-stencil
    \override LeftEdge.space-alist.clef = #'(fixed-space . 0) %% adjust!


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