Hi Gilles!
For example, after a gong note (represented below with a triangle head), thereI can't exactly figure out how the decoration or the whole note shall look like. But perhaps my reply can give you a first hint to solve your problem.should be a tilde-like "decoration" (to indicate that it must be scratched with a metallic rod):
|>~ |
Somewhere in the archives I found a solution for adding brackets to a note head. This is done by the following code:
#(define (parenthesize-callback callback) (define (parenthesize-stencil grob) (let* ((fn (ly:get-default-font grob)) (pclose (ly:find-glyph-by-name fn "accidentals-rightparen")) (popen (ly:find-glyph-by-name fn "accidentals-leftparen")) (subject (callback grob))
; remember old size (subject-dim-x (ly:stencil-extent subject 0)) (subject-dim-y (ly:stencil-extent subject 1)))
; add parens (set! subject (ly:stencil-combine-at-edge (ly:stencil-combine-at-edge subject 0 1 pclose 0.2) 0 -1 popen 0.2))
; revert old size. (ly:stencil-set-extent! subject 0 subject-dim-x) (ly:stencil-set-extent! subject 1 subject-dim-y) subject)) parenthesize-stencil)
Lines #4 and #5 are the crucial ones for you. The gylph-name (that what is inside the qoutes) in line #4 specifies the kind of symbol that will be set right after the note head. Possible values for the glyph-name can be found on C.3 The Feta font <http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.4/Documentation/user/out-www/lilypond/lilypond.html#The-Feta-font>. Perhaps "scripts-turn" is something that fits for you. To suppress the symbol in front of the note head, just replace line #5 by (popen '#()). The usage in your lilypond source then is something like this (right in front of :note that is to look like the way you described)
\once \override NoteHead #'print-function = #(parenthesize-callback Note_head::print)
Hope that works for you. Unfortunately I don't know your lilypond version., but that solution worked for me at least since version 2.0.x.
From time to time I'm facing that problem, too. Putting an asterisk in front and behind each search term should be a workaround.Right now (Thu Nov 25 17:40:43 CET 2004), the "lilypond-user archive search" doesn't work:
Results: References: [ music: 0 ] No document matching your query.
Kind regards Thies Albrecht
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