Hi Harm,

Am 16.04.2017 um 21:25 schrieb Thomas Morley:
2017-04-16 17:54 GMT+02:00 Marc Hohl <m...@hohlart.de>:
I tried to go one step further and include the key signature and time
signature in my example, see the attached code.

Hi Marc,

how about below?

            (ly:grob-set-property! grob 'space-alist
              '((staff-bar extra-space . 1))))))

Ah, that's the way to go here – thanks a lot for your brilliant solution!

Can you explain why you use before-line-breaking? Does it make any difference to after-line-breaking?


For the BarNumbers you'll likely need an engraver ...

I'll probably omit the BarNumbers completely, the piece I want to typeset is not very long – it's quite tedious and challenging to compose this way ;-)



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