Am 15.04.2017 um 15:47 schrieb Son_V:
>> \override Score.BarNumber.break-visibility = #end-of-line-invisible 
> Thanks! That was successful.
> But I'm still in doubt of what should be the correct way.

There is no single correct way. In classical music traditionally you
have bar numbers only at the beginning of each line; that’s why
#begin-of-line-visible is LilyPond’s default. Film scores often have bar
numbers at every measure. IIRC the don’t set a number on the last bar
line. So this would be #end-of-line-invisible.

Some publishers set bar numbers every now and then (f. e. every 5 or 10
measures in classical music or at significant places every 4 to 20
measures in film scores) but modern editions of classical music don’t do
that any more (at least, I haven’t seen such an edition yet).

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