
Got it. I used your first solution with the addendum. If at some point in the future I need more chords, I will construct a more extensive file for guitar chords. I did construct a fingering file for plectrum banjo a while back. It's got 25 chords for each of 12 keys, but I don't have any inversions.

Thanks for the clarification on the reply-all. I wasn't sure what to do. Is there some place on the web were I can see other discussions?


On 04/14/2017 06:25 AM, Thomas Morley wrote:
2017-04-14 5:18 GMT+02:00 Stan Mulder <>:

Define it yourself, search the NR for 'storePredefinedDiagram'. Leading to:

\version "2.19.56"

\language "english"

\storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table \chordmode {e-flat:m6}

\include ""

\new FretBoards \chordmode { e-flat:m6 }

%% That should rather be:

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