Dear All, at a certain point in my score the phrasing slur disappears.In the attached example 1, two measures taken out of the score, the phrasing slur is printed as it should.
As soon as I add the preceding measure, in example 2, the phrasing slur disappears.
All with the same warning while compiling. Some advice is appreciated. Thanks, Gerard
\version "2.18.2" \paper { # (set-paper-size "a4" 'landscape) top-margin = 1.5\cm bottom-margin = 1\cm inner-margin = 2\cm outer-margin = 1\cm %markup-system-spacing #'padding = #6 } \layout { } testStaff = << \context Staff = "upper" { \clef "treble" \key c \major \time 3/4 % THIS SNIPPET PRODUCES THE CORRECT OUTPUT % bar 28 - 30 \relative g'' << {\change Staff = "upper" \stemUp s4*1/10^\"Example 1" a4*9/10~ a4 s4*1/10 d4*9/10\(} \\ { \relative g'' {\change Staff = "upper" \stemDown \tuplet 5/4 {fis32 a fis d a} \change Staff = "lower" \stemUp {d, a fis c}} \relative g'' {\change Staff = "upper" \stemDown {d fis d c} \change Staff = "lower" \stemUp {d, a fis c}} \relative g'' {\change Staff = "upper" \stemDown \tuplet 5/4 {a d a fis d} \change Staff = "lower" \stemUp {a fis d a}} } >> \relative g'' << {\change Staff = "upper" \stemUp s4*1/10 c4*9/10~ c4 g4\)} \\ {\relative g'' {\change Staff = "upper" \stemDown \tuplet 5/4 {g32 c g e c} \change Staff = "lower" \stemUp {g e c g}} \relative g'' {\change Staff = "upper" \stemDown {e g e c} \change Staff = "lower" \stemUp {g e c g}} \relative g'' {\change Staff = "upper" \stemDown {g e c g} \change Staff = "lower" \stemUp {e c g e}} } >> \break % WHEN ADDING THE PRECEDING MEASURE THE PHRASING SLUR DISAPPEARS. \relative c'' {\change Staff = "upper" \stemDown \tuplet 5/4 {f32\^"Example 2" as f des as} \change Staff = "lower" \stemUp {es as, f des} \change Staff = "upper" \stemDown \tuplet 5/4 {f'' as f des as} \change Staff = "lower" \stemUp {es as, f des} \change Staff = "upper" \stemDown \tuplet 5/4 {f'' as f des as} \change Staff = "lower" \stemUp {es as, f des}} % bar 28 - 30 \relative g'' << {\change Staff = "upper" \stemUp s4*1/10 a4*9/10~ a4 s4*1/10 d4*9/10\(} \\ { \relative g'' {\change Staff = "upper" \stemDown \tuplet 5/4 {fis32 a fis d a} \change Staff = "lower" \stemUp {d, a fis c}} \relative g'' {\change Staff = "upper" \stemDown {d fis d c} \change Staff = "lower" \stemUp {d, a fis c}} \relative g'' {\change Staff = "upper" \stemDown \tuplet 5/4 {a d a fis d} \change Staff = "lower" \stemUp {a fis d a}} } >> \relative g'' << {\change Staff = "upper" \stemUp s4*1/10 c4*9/10~ c4 g4\)} \\ {\relative g'' {\change Staff = "upper" \stemDown \tuplet 5/4 {g32 c g e c} \change Staff = "lower" \stemUp {g e c g}} \relative g'' {\change Staff = "upper" \stemDown {e g e c} \change Staff = "lower" \stemUp {g e c g}} \relative g'' {\change Staff = "upper" \stemDown {g e c g} \change Staff = "lower" \stemUp {e c g e}} } >> } \context Staff = "lower" { \clef "bass" \key c \major % script to be tested s2. *20 } \context Staff = "Ped"{ \clef "bass" \key c \major % script to be tested s2. *20 } >> \book{ \score { << \testStaff >>} }
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