David Nalesnik <david.nales...@gmail.com> writes:

> On Fri, Mar 17, 2017 at 9:50 AM, Paul <p...@paulwmorris.com> wrote:
>> cc'ing lilypond-devel to move discussion there.
>> On 03/17/2017 09:38 AM, David Nalesnik wrote:
>>> You can get more info about public functions with the attached file.
>>> I was planning on getting documentation into the manuals somehow, but
>>> I got hung up with getting the parameters of curried functions.
>> Hi David,  Thanks for your work on this.  Is there an easy way to just omit
>> any curried functions in a first-pass at this?  (I wonder what percentage
>> are curried?)
> I never found it.
> The problem is that a parameter isn't shown:
> #(define ((curried arg) grob) '())
> #(display curried)
> ==> #<procedure curried (arg)>

What problem?  `arg' _is_ the only parameter of the function `curried'.
The function `curried', when called, returns a function taking a single
parameter `grob'.

But that's a detail of the description.  Remember that the above
currying is just short for

(define (curried arg)
  (lambda (grob)

which is short for

(define curried
  (lambda (arg)
    (lambda (grob) '())))

David Kastrup

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