Thanks David,

>> %%%
>> \version "2.19.57"
>> { <\single \hideNotes b' f'> }
>> %%%
>> As expected the b is not displayed. But why does the stem of f vanish
>> (completely) as well?
>> Is that intended (why?) or is that a bug?
>> And if it's intended how do I get the f's stem back?
> The Stem usually has the first notehead as its parent, and \hideNotes is
> defined as

Ok, that clarifies it.

> So you could use
> { <f' \single \hideNotes b'> }

I want the b first because I want the reference point of the chord being
the b as I'm appending a markup to it that is vertically aligned to
another markup that's appended to another note (b' in this case but it
could be anything else)

> instead (to break the relation between Stem and b') or just use
> { <\hide b' f'> }

That gives me the stem back but it's length is as if the b' were there
as well (i.e. it is too long).

I could write { \once \override Stem.length = #5.5 <\hide b' f'> } but
that would require me manually determinating the proper length wherever
I'm using this construct.

Is there an automatic way?

Kind regards,
 Michael Gerdau       email:
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