On 15 March 2017 at 14:35, Klaus Blum <benbigno...@gmx.de> wrote:
> Adam Spiers-5 wrote
>> On 15 March 2017 at 12:28, Simon Albrecht <simon.albrecht> wrote:
>>> why not put all the music expressions in one score in
>>> parallel?
>> But please could you give an example of how to do that, bearing in mind that
>> there are no notes or staves, only chord names?
>basically the structure would be like this:
> <<
>   \new ChordNames { ... }
>   \new ChordNames { ... }
>   ...
>But please consider that you will need more horizontal space, because the
>different choruses lose their individual spacing.

That's fine.  Gaps are expected and desired.

>Therefore I reduced the
>staff size to prevent an automatic line break.

That's fine too.  I don't have any restrictions on page size or font size.

>Nevertheless, having strictly proportional spacing would eat up even more

Yes, but that's really what I need, to make it clear where additional chords
appear within each bar.  Viewing a 12-bar chorus (or any jazz chord sheet,
really) just doesn't make much sense without proportional spacing.

>Different Rehearsal marks at the same time are only possible by moving the
>Mark_engraver to the ChordNames context. Instead, I "abused" instrumentName.

Yeah, that's slightly unfortunate but tolerable - another reason why a
non-parallel solution would be nicer.


Thanks a lot!  If you find a way to get this proportionally spaced then
that would be good enough for me.  But I suspect if you do, the
parallelisation wouldn't bring any additional benefit ...

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