Gerard <> writes:

> Dear All,
> urgently need some code for the following phrase:
> tuplet example
> The issue is the placement of the a2 in Voice one which should be merged with 
> the
> a2 in the 5/4 tuplet of the second Voice.
> The basic code is
> \version 2.18.2
> \relative fis'' { {a4 a4 d4} \tuplet 5/4 {fis32 a fis d a} \change Staff = 
> "down" {d, a
> fis c}
> I hope you can help me.

This does not scan with a 5/4 tuplet.  Instead you would appear to need
5 32th notes, with the first one starting a 32th "early".

Please try to figure out the correct rhythm first: LilyPond will only
join noteheads for notes actually occuring at the same time.

David Kastrup

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