2017-02-26 12:12 GMT+01:00 Anthony Youngman <antli...@youngman.org.uk>:
> On 26/02/17 10:52, Thomas Morley wrote:

>> If the chordNameFunction (ignatzek-chord-names) does not do what we
>> want, we should improve it, but not drop a plethora of
>> lily-functionality.
>> And yes, ignatzek-chord-names is insufficient in the sense that it's
>> hard up to impossible to tweak ChordName-printing sufficiently without
>> rewriting major parts of it.
> Just to throw another big spanner into the works ...
> I wrote some code which I submitted to lilypond to handle guitar capos. So,
> for example, if you said something like "\capo 3", when you entered a chord
> of C, it printed the chord name as "C(A)". This is *normal* practice when
> printing music to accompany singers - the piano score has the guitar chords
> on it.
> My code didn't get into lilypond proper (I was asked to make a load of
> changes, and I couldn't cope - my scheme-fu wasn't up to it), BUT. You need
> to be careful that any changes you make don't break that use case - even if
> I didn't get it in, I'm sure somebody else will want it in future.
> Cheers,
> Wol

Do we have a tracker-issue for it?


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