Hi Pierre,
sorry to hear - I hoped that this might give you the desired result.
I'm out of other ideas for that problem, unfortunately.
On a different note: I just had a quick look at your webpage, and
stumbled across the Dixième Œuvre by Naudot. In the preview, the first
page shows something I never managed to typeset with Lily: the
"suspended" system with the "D.C. al fine" mark. Am I correct that this
piece is engraved using Lily, too? Would you mind sharing how you
managed to interrupt the system there and, in particular, how you could
get a new SystemStartBracket for the rest of the line?
On 2017-02-21 20:25, Les Éditions Valmajour - pg wrote:
Hi Alexander,
First of all, my apologies for replying so late, I was away from home
without my computer to test.
I tried a few things with the SpacingSpanner, but none works in the
direction I want. I tried your solution, it doesn't work either. I may
have placed the commands in the wrong place, but I don't think so.
Le 13/02/2017 à 16:53, Alexander Kobel a écrit :
Hi Pierre,
On 2017-02-13 10:57, Les Éditions Valmajour - pg wrote:
Hello co-listers,
does anyone know if there a way to apply different horizontal
spacings to different staves, whithin the same bar?
In the attached example, the stemless notes are 16ths. I would like
the stemless notes to be strictly evenly spaced, [...]
How about using \override Score.SpacingSpanner.strict-note-spacing =
##t (see Notation reference, sec. 4.5.5)?
You might want to add a \newSpacingSection between b-. and c-. (so
before the first note after \bar "|."), in case you want to
acknowledge the barline in the spacing.
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