On 02/14/2017 01:50 AM, Graham Percival wrote:

If we switched from texinfo to a different static website generator,
I suspect it would be pelican, gitbook, or hugo -- existing
projects with thousands of users and a thriving developer

Haunt is also interesting, from a minimizing technical debt perspective, since it's built with Guile Scheme and supports the texinfo format. Also, it is very flexible, supports Atom feeds, etc. Although it's not currently as mature or popular as others, I think it's used by other GNU projects? Worth a look.

I wish that I could sound less discouraging.  I think that there
are some interesting ideas in your latest webpage, and it would
not be hard to implement them within the current texinfo

What if we separated the design and implementation steps? First, come up with a design that just uses css and simple html (nothing fancy, no library dependencies, etc.), one that offers responsive design for smaller screens, etc. Second, translate the html into texinfo so it will work with the current build setup.

The css would be the same so it would just be a matter of translating the html into the texinfo that would produce the same html back again. (Sure, we might feel like we were digging a hole only to fill it back up again, but hey, we get the website in multiple formats and guaranteed separation between content and presentation.)

This could be a one-off 'website redesign' project, with future edits still being made in texinfo. If/when we ever got to stage two, then I'd likely be up for working on the html to texinfo part.


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